Rachel Anderson, BA – Co-Founder/Director/BOD Member
Rachel’s focus is on somatic therapies and the healthy integration of plant practices. She has successfully fund-raised, planned and organized public events, hosted intentional integration practices with ethnobotanicals, created artwork, designed integration journals, met with the 4J school board to discuss drug awareness education in classrooms. Rachel brings power, stability, and genuine strength and determination to ECfES and acts as an original steward for the original ECfES vision.

Stephanie Alder, Ph.D. – BOD Member
Stephanie is certified in transpersonal coaching with a focus on psychosynthesis. As a coach, she helps individuals to arrive at insights via their subconscious to know themselves better, show up more authentically, improve relationships, access spirituality in mundane moments, and make concrete changes in their lives. She encourages others to cultivate transpersonal states via somatic practices and movement, artistic expression, connection with nature, meditation, and community life. Stephanie holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, San Diego.

Franshesqua Perez, BOD Member
Fran (they/them) is a passionate advocate and believer in harm reduction, dedicated to fostering safer, more inclusive, affordable environments through their work. As a psychedelic queer facilitator of mixed Spanish and Indigenous heritage, Fran is deeply committed to equal access and D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives. Their collaboration with psychedelic training school ‘Subtle winds’ as a D.E.I specialist and peer support exemplifies their dedication to working with communities to create sensitive and supportive spaces. A passionate believer in systemic reformation, Fran advocates for a shift away from punitive justice systems towards reformed, supportive spaces. They work closely with their community, with the intention of being a witness to people’s transformation process. Their journey and multifaceted skills reflect a humble commitment to making a positive impact in their community and hopefully this planet.

John Thompson (JT) – BOD Member
JT’s passion for ethnobotany and visionary compounds started early on and lead to studies in psycho-biology at U.C.L.A., where he eventually designed and directed the Psilocybin Use Study in the mid-1980’s, from which five peer-reviewed papers were published. His dedication to proper education about, and use of, these compounds has included recording entheogenic conferences and events for public dissemination, along with supporting therapists, individuals and groups as a consultant and guide. He has worked as a project manager in seven industries including electronics design, public radio, herbal/nutraceutical manufacturing & product development, academia, food manufacturing and web design, along with business and technical consulting services. He is currently the owner and General Manager of Sublime Solutions, LLC, a premier cannabis manufacturing company in Eugene, Oregon. He is a board member with the Oregon Industry Progress Association, a cannabis industry trade association, through which he has spent significant time working on cannabis legislation and regulations.

James Franzo, BA – Co-Founder/BOD Member
A 25-year journey of self-education (using what has now become a large part of the lending library we operate) inspired James to launch ECFES. Additionally, gaining experience working in the field of chemical dependency treatment and social services contributed further to his disenfranchisement with current policy and treatment modalities, and attracted him further to evidence-based approaches to drug policy reform and the mental health field in general. Specifically, potent ethnobotanical plants and mind/body methodologies for integrating them. James is also an honorably discharged military veteran, who served for six years. He earned his BA in Contemplative Psychology, with specializations in Health and Healing, Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology. Since 2015, James has been the website content developer @ ECFES, library archivist, team builder, and steward of the original vision for ECFES, an ethnobotanical/psychedelic/entheogenic healing center under one roof.

Dr. Vip Short – Co-Founder/BOD Member
Private Practice in Chiropractic/Classical Homeopathy
A social program dedicated to helping heal the wounds of syndromes like PTSD, GAD, chronic migrainous and somatic pain disorders needs to be grounded in a set of virtues, or morally right operational guidelines; these should be taught to both therapist and experiencer. If we can remain disciplined about these principles, a good body of work can emerge and we will be able to help a lot of people who otherwise may have gotten lost. The visionary path is seldom an easy one. Those who choose it are, I feel, signaling their impatience with the usual pace of revelation. Which is OK! I value and applaud the visionary approach, and I am hoping that as we evolve it, we [at the Edelic Center for Ethnobotanical Services] will preserve the compassionate features that keep it human and healing. Dr. Short brings 40+ years of study and experience in the field of ethnobotanicals to ECFES.

Ben Malcom – BOA Member
Founder/Spirit Pharmacist
I envision a society in which access to psychedelic drugs in a variety of safe settings is available for purposes of psychospiritual well-being, personal development, ceremonial sacraments, and treatment of mental illness.

Josh Easterlund – BOD Member
Josh received his undergraduate degree in biology and biochemistry from Knox College, where he learned about psychedelics and did his senior research on the effects of alcohol on the principles of metabolite excretion of 2C-I and DOI in rats. He is the current director of Equitable Access Eugene, host of a local psychedelic science discussion group, and the lead volunteer for MAPS in the Pacific Northwest region. He is driven by a passion for consciousness, liberty, drug policy reform, evidence-based decision making, and global unity.

Carolyn Garcia (aka Mountain Girl) – Board of Elders Member
Studied botany and cannabis cultivation, with an emphasis on conservation and information sharing. Her book, Primo Plant helped early cannabis growers use organic practices. Carolyn provides decades of networked experience and ethnobotanical non-profit experience, including serving as a Board Member with the Women’s Visionary Congress. She has lived and worked in Eugene for decades.

Charleen Justice (She/Her/Hers) – BOA Member
Executive Manager – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
Charleen was born and raised on Klamath Tribes land. As an Oregonian with the bona fide spirit of trailblazer, she has worked diligently to break the cycles of addiction, abuse, and incarceration set forth by the generations who preceded her and transform her diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) into post-traumatic growth. She is passionate about assisting and empowering people from all walks of life to gain the knowledge, skills, and strength to heal (intergenerational) trauma and foster resilience. In addition to being Rick’s sidekick, Charleen earned a MS in psychology with a focus on translational neuroscience and program development, and a BS in planning, public policy, and management, with a minor in leadership and administrative skills from the University of Oregon as a recipient of the Ford ReStart and Diversity Excellence Scholarships. Her personal and professional goals are in alignment with MAPS’ first principle, Healing for All.

Max Montrose – BOA Member
Founder – Trichome Institute
Max Montrose is a passionate cannabis and entheogen educator through Trichome Institute. Trichome produces advanced cannabis course certifications, products, and university-level science. He is involved with research in discovering new trichome types, cannabis species, cannabis aroma mapping & exotic psychedelics. His forte is psychedelic cacti, exotic animals, and navigating the matrix.

Dr. David Bove – BOA Member
Program Director of Chrysalis Behavioral Health
Dr. David Bove has a focus on acupuncture and chemical dependency/addictions services) in Eugene, OR. Chrysalis is fully licensed by the State of Oregon and provides DUII services that meet the State requirements. Chrysalis provides services to clients and anyone who has an alcohol and/or drug problem. Dr. Bove provides a pathway towards future referrals to ECFES from within the treatment provider community. He brings decades of experience as a treatment provider in Eugene to ECFES.

David Atkin – BOA Member
(Founder and Director of Center for Non-Profit Law)
David Atkin is the Founder and Director of Center for Nonprofit Law. David has been deeply involved in the nonprofit sector for over 35 years.

Dr. Jeffery Tarrant – BOA Member
Director Neuromeditation Institute and Former Lead Minister at Peyote Looking Glass Church, (established under pre-European contact law), OR
Having worked as a Psychologist for the past 20 years I have seen firsthand how people from all walks of life have been helped with the appropriate use of plant medicines. ECFES is on the cutting-edge of collecting and disseminating accurate and timely information about these medicines and I am honored to join in this mission. While research is clearly showing the positive impact these plants and fungi can have on mental health, this information is not widely known. If natural medicines are to become more accessible and accepted, it is critically important that education and training is available. Dr. Tarrant specializes in the intersection of ethnobotanicals and EEG feedback, as well as other scientific modalities to investigate claims of health efficacy in a reasoned, rational approach to studies.

John Shramko, BOA Member
Drug Regulatory/Chemist
John has a life long interest in the use of natural medicines to enhance mental and physical health. He began his career as a chemist and has worked in various major pharmaceutical companies for over 40 years. John also pursued legal studies and continues to work in the drug regulatory profession.

Michael ‘Coyote’ Connelly – BOA Member
Former University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAAP) Psychedelic Module Instructor