Looking back on my first ceremony, I realize that I had absolutely no idea what I was stepping into. I had to learn many lessons the hard way.


  • Visionary plant medicines such as San Pedro can be unique in speed and intensity.
  • In the space of a few hours, we may experience emotions, dimensions, and beings that we didn’t even know existed.
  • The tendency in the West is to approach ethnobotanical plants with the belief that good intentions are enough to guarantee good results.
  • However, often ignored is the fact that in some ways these plants have their own rules and without an understanding of these rules, the journey can be fraught with peril and danger. -High Existence


Respiratory disorders (Oblitas E. Plantas medicinales de Bolivia. Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, La Paz; 1992.)

Problems of the urinary tract (Mooney P. Aprovechando la Diversidad: Una Nota Sobre la Diversidad Biológica y el Conocimiento Indígena. América Indígena. 1993;3:41–55. (85)

Infections of female organs (Polia M. Las Lagunas de los Encantos – Medicina Tradicional Andina en el Peru septentrional. Lima, CePeSer; 1988.)

Liver ailments (Vazquez R. Plantas útiles de la Amazonia Peruana. Iquitos, Peru; 1989).

Stomach problems (Soukup J. Vocabulario de los nombres vulgares de la flora peruana. Imp. Colegio Salesiano, Lima; 1970)