
Why do we need a harm reduction Decade?

Right now, ahead of the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs, governments and international organizations are discussing the future direction of drug policy which will determine policies of countries for the next ten years. ​We are asking you to stand in solidarity with people who use drugs, their families and communities by…


The Religion That Has No Name: The Persecution of Psychedelic Spirituality

“One of the implications of the continued growth of psychedelic festival culture is that the community of psychedelic users is becoming, with the help of the internet, more organised and more cohesive”. Furthermore, now this ‘spiritual movement’ has community meeting spaces, with their own rituals, traditions, codes and conventions. At these gatherings there is a…


Tripping with Buddha

The main issue here is: Does psychedelic use lead to harming others?  Does it lead to carelessness and heedlessness? Do we start disrespecting others through having altered our mind in this way? So if we do use psychedelics, this would be the bottom line: Is it harmful to others or harmful to ourselves? From the…