
Study: alcohol is far worse for mental health than psychedelics

“Drug experts consistently rank LSD and psilocybin mushrooms as much less harmful to the individual user and to society compared to alcohol and other controlled substances.” These words from a study by Norway’s Research Council mimic the self-reported effects of psychoactives, as well: Most users report deep or meaningful experiences while using LSD or mushrooms.…


Weed warriors: meet six women shaping the cannabis industry

“Being at the forefront of something like this,” she says, “as a woman, is unbelievable.” ​As a product, cannabis “crosses genders, ethnicities, economic backgrounds and political views,” says Sally Nichols, a leading pot investor. ​Original Article (Rolling Stone):Weed Warriors: Meet Six Women Shaping the Cannabis IndustryArtwork Fair Use: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin


Drinking yagé to resist capitalist violence

Recently, I have been living among the Siona and have seen how they are able to resist and contest, relying on collective yagé encounters, the plans of an multinational oil company that intended to pursue oil exploration in their territories. As we shall show here, the ability to “see” and “heal” associated with yagé is…


Why power women are micro-dosing LSD at work

“I wrote a whole book called Bad Mother [which was published in May 2009]. If I had been micro-dosing back then, I probably would have written Remarkably Calm, Compassionate Mother.” – Ayelet Waldman (author of A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life published in…


Legal MDMA could soon be a thing

Don’t go thinking that ecstasy bought on the streets is good for you though, laboratory studies have shown that only pure MDMA has been proven sufficiently safe for human consumption when taken a limited number of times in moderate doses. ​ After extensive research, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now confirmed it’s…