Modern Culture

The whole fungus : beautiful

Drug decriminalization is a rational and fiscally sound policy rooted in health and human rights. Governments throughout the U.S. and around the world have an indisputable moral and scientific imperative to pursue it. Not only does drug decriminalization drastically reduce the number of people mired in the quicksand of the criminal justice system – it…


The whole fungus: civil

Narcotics Control Board calls for decriminalisation of narcotic drug use. The Deputy Executive Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) [in Ghana, Africa], Mr Michael Addo, has called for the decriminalisation of narcotic drug use. The six-day programme brought together lawyers, prosecutors, officials from drug enforcement agencies, psychologists, students and civil society organisations from Anglophone…


Grassy Globes

Diplomacy or Denialism: The language that the UNGASS (United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the “World Drug Problem”) of 2016  Outcome Document overlooked… Noting the…Reaffirming…Recognising…Also recognising that…Recalling that …Also recalling…Acknowledging that …Consider…Highlight…Undertake…Include…Ensure that…Eliminate…Highlight…Declare…Warn…Commit that…End…Commit too…Promote…Take Account…Recognize that…Request…Realign…Commit…Review…Address…Implement… Original Article:Diplomacy or Denialism: The language that the UNGASS Outcome Document overlooked Artwork Fair Use: Jayel Aheram


The whole fungus : mushrooms first

“Someone’s not getting the primary memo: left to ugly influences such as [pure, unbridled] capitalism & market forces, our sacred medicines will all be assimilated and desacralized by Pharma—which has an almost perfect track record of choosing profits over people & planet.” -An ECfES Board Member  Whereas, in August of 2018, Newsweek Reports the FDA approves psychedelic…


Magic mushrooms… entourage effect

…magic mushrooms contain multiple active ingredients…. However, to date, psilocybin research has [been]— myopically focusing on one single ingredient (psilocybin) rather than appreciating the synergistic combinations made by the mushrooms.  Mushrooms contain many different molecules.  Psilocybin [ingested, converts to psilocin]… the active chemical that is responsible for much of –but not all of–the psychoactivity in…


The whole fungus: pills, not.

​”COMPASS appears to have lost their moral one. CAPITALIST would be a more fitting monicker.” -An ECfES Board Member​ Regonizing that, it’s synthetic, single Ingredient, psilocybin pills. Compass Pathways is not giving mushrooms to depressed patients. Mushrooms contain many different molecules.  Psilocybin [ingested, converts to psilocin]… the active chemical that is responsible for much of –but not…


The whole fungus: fine

The first state-level drug decriminalization bill Has been introduced by in Maryland, USA…where elected officials and a broad range of stakeholders [convened] on a forum on decriminalization. [H.B. 488 : Drug Use and Possession Penalty Changes], [H.B. 515 : Substance Use Treatment at Need in ERs and Hospitals], and [H.B. 519 : Safe Consumption Programs].…