
Kratom: what does science say about the… botanical?

A 2020 survey of 2,798 American Kratom users by Johns Hopkins Medicine found that less than 3% of respondents met the criteria for moderate or severe kratom use disorder… A 2019 study in Preventative Medicine estimated that “the risk of overdose death is >1000 times greater for opioids than for kratom.” While most morphine-like opiate overdoses are…

Modern Culture

…[substance testing/drug checking] as clubs reopen…

There is an absolute need to raise awareness amongst young people around drug checking. …which can be done effectively through drug checking services. If the strength of a drug is known, individuals can choose to reduce harm by consuming less. Drug checking must be taken up to prevent… tragic deaths. Original Article (Volteface)Tragic deaths in…


MDMA [sassafras] goes mainstream

From this brain state, a person can safely observe and analyze their circumstances, and begin to observe and resolve harmful neurological patterns. They put their brain into a state which allows them to begin rewriting its system of functioning.  I’m not opposed to drug use – though I was raised with the “Just Say No”…


[Compass Patent GB2572023B]… health

The right to use psychedelic[s] is currently navigating through the legislature, with places like Oregon, Washington DC, [et al.] decriminalizing psychedelic plant-based drugs… A revolution is sweeping mental health. Not since President Nixon declared war on drugs have researchers and traditional practitioners been able to share the results. The early data shows that plant-based therapy…


…bills on kratom…

Kratom is a plant… that grows naturally… an herbal remedy to help with pain, fatigue… But she worries about wording in the [Oregon] House bill that puts the Oregon Department of Agriculture, rather than the federal government, in charge of regulating it… …[and currently] believes that the federal Food and Drug Administration is the appropriate…


Grand Rapids may decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, plants…

The push in Grand Rapids follows the success of sister group Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor… which got Ann Arbor city leaders to adopt a similar resolution in September 2020. Following that vote, Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit declared support for the resolution and said his office would no longer prosecute those acts in the county.…


Arcata public safety committee backs decriminalizing psychedelic plants, fungi

Dr. James Latham said he was reached by another member of Decriminalize Nature Humboldt to provide the physician’s perspective… just like cannabis, decriminalization is the first step, Latham said. “With deprioritization, you mentioned people healing and having access to that healing. Could someone come to your office and say, ‘I’m really struggling with depression and…


…ready for further mushroom decriminalization?

In addition to suggesting that council formally decriminalize sharing of psychedelic mushrooms… “I personally don’t have a problem with [people sharing mushrooms] as long as there’s not money being exchanged. I don’t think that we would be prosecuting people who, for example, are giving some to their friend or relative. I think the selling it…