
MDMA [sassafras] goes mainstream

From this brain state, a person can safely observe and analyze their circumstances, and begin to observe and resolve harmful neurological patterns. They put their brain into a state which allows them to begin rewriting its system of functioning. 

I’m not opposed to drug use – though I was raised with the “Just Say No” mantra, I was generally open to the experiences of LSD, mushrooms and marijuana… I’d developed a close relationship with a family whose children I took care of, and their mother, an amazing woman I’ll call Margaret, was a huge proponent of MDMA. Margaret and her husband often took it to aid them in working through relationship challenges…

Original Article (Pacific Sun):
MDMA goes mainstream
Artwork Fair Use: Thiru.R P Bab


Is everyone high?


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing