
The lazy stoner myth debunked…

“Our evidence indicates that cannabis use does not appear to have an effect on motivation for recreational users. The participants in our study included users who took cannabis on average four days a week and they were no more likely to lack motivation,” said Professor Barbara Sahakian, researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge.

…released new data indicating that cannabis users are not any more likely to lack motivation or drive in their lives than those who refrain from using the plant. The university says that cannabis consumers do not exhibit different levels of motivation for rewards, varying levels of pleasure derived from rewards or a different neurological response when seeking rewards compared to those who abstain from pot.

Original Article (Mugglehead):
The lazy stoner myth debunked: University of Cambridge
Artwork Fair Use: OLCF


Is everyone high?


…policy… lead…


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Home grow…


…for macrodosing