Protecting people from the side effects of psychedelic therapy
It’s a nervy, fast come-up for long-term psychedelic practitioners dreaming of this moment for years. What if it all spins out of control? Some of the early signs aren’t great – new actors are flooding into the market, looking to make a fast buck. Some of the investors are not the groovy liberals one might expect – two of the biggest are Rebecca Mercer of Breitbart and Peter Thiel, both prominent funders…
Several of the new listings are re-purposed mining company listings (see this piece for all the links between psychedelic and mining companies). Some start-ups don’t seem to have any product at all, beyond a brand-name and a press release. Everything is being commodified — one company calls itself ‘Eleusis’, another ‘Alan Aldous’ (after Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley). The field is investing entirely in the psychological upside of psychedelics… and barely investing a dollar in protecting people from potential negative effects.
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Protecting people from the side effects of psychedelic therapy
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