
The American Kratom Association (AKA) demands FDA stop its disinformation campaign against kratom

Nine leading scientists say kratom is safe. The nine respected scientists pointed out that “kratom provides a far more favorable safety profile for consumers compared to more dangerously addictive and potentially deadly classical opioid medications.” They also pointed out that the FDA’s solution – to file a new drug application for kratom – made no sense because “the average time and cost of new drug development is more than 10 years and 2.5 billion dollars.”

The nine respected scientists pointed out that “kratom provides a far more favorable safety profile for consumers compared to more dangerously addictive and potentially deadly classical opioid medications.” They also pointed out that the FDA’s solution – to file a new drug application for kratom – made no sense because “the average time and cost of new drug development is more than 10 years and 2.5 billion dollars.” David Herman, Chairman of the AKA, called upon FDA Commissioner Gottlieb to pull back the curtain on the “black box voodoo computer model” that was unveiled by the FDA to justify their continued ‘War on Kratom,’ this time claiming their computer model conclusively shows kratom is an opioid, and therefore had to be banned.

Original Article (PR News Wire):
The American Kratom Association (AKA) Demands FDA Stop Its Disinformation Campaign Against Kratom
Artwork Fair Use: Arisepeter


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