
The three types of psychedelic high

The Ohio State University College of Social Work conducted a study where they asked 1,000 participants to report the types of high some psychedelics gave them. They experimented with the effects of LSD, psilocybin… mescaline, ayahuasca, and 5-MeO-DMT (a close relative of DMT)… the research yielded 3 distinct types of psychedelic highs.

(High scoring) – High scores on the mystical and insightful scale; moderate on the challenging experience. (Low scoring) – Low to moderate scores on the mystical and insightful scale; low on the challenging experience. (Positive scoring) – High scores on the mystical and insightful scale; low on the challenging experience. According to one of the authors of this study, Aki Nikolaidis, “The group that had the highest insightful and mystical experiences and low challenging experiences showed the most benefit in terms of remission of anxiety and depression symptoms and other longer lasting benefits to their life.”

Original Article (LA Weekly):
The three types of psychedelic high
Artwork Fair Use: T. Piesk


Is everyone high?


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…for macrodosing