
…psilocybin transformative power minimizes suffering and allows a lasting sense of peace

Psychologists distinguish radical transformative experiences as “quantum changes,” as opposed to incremental behavioral-based shifts. But the two are not mutually exclusive. An epiphany prompted by psilocybin can give rise to a new enthusiasm, curiosity, or sense of wonder that can trigger behavioral changes.

Psilocybin offers a route to an alternate view of reality, in which they shed the limitations of their individual consciousness and embrace a sense of universality. These trips have transformative psychological effects. The studies offer insights on how we might minimize suffering and gain a sense of peace.

Original Article (Thecoastricannews):
Science proves that psilocybin transformative power minimizes suffering and allows a lasting sense of peace
Artwork Fair Use: Geyslein


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing