
How psychedelics may therapeutically alter the link between your two “selves”

It is becoming clear that interoception could be just as crucial to well-being as neural circuitry or genetics. In fact, it may be fundamental to human health precisely because it is fundamental to consciousness.

An emerging understanding of consciousness suggests that it may be rooted more deeply than cerebral interactions – specifically, in the body’s intrinsic sense of its internal state, or “interoception.” Psychedelics could offer a window into the relationship between interoception and consciousness, potentially enabling people to experience the intricate dance between the two in novel and beneficial ways.

Original Article (Big Think):
How psychedelics may therapeutically alter the link between your two “selves”
Artwork Fair Use: Anupma Goel


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing