
Seattle… entheogen enforcement and decriminalization resolution

WHEREAS, punitive drug policies disproportionately impact people of color and low-income communities; and state and federal scheduling of entheogens and other substances has served as a pretext for disrupting and criminalizing those communities and destroyed countless lives and torn families apart, this resolution is an effort to begin correcting the irreparable harm caused by the U.S. war on drugs

A RESOLUTION declaring that the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of anyone engaging in entheogen-related activities should be among The City of Seattle’s lowest law enforcement priorities and stating the Council’s support for full decriminalization of these activities. WHEREAS, current SDP [Seattle Police Department] enforcement practice does not protect from arrest or prosecution individuals who cultivate entheogens for use in religious, spiritual, healing, or personal growth practices, either for their sole individual use or for the shared use of themselves and other practitioners, nor does it protect from arrest or prosecution individuals whose possession and/or cultivation of entheogens becomes evident to SPD officers… WHEREAS, current SPD enforcement practice does not protect from arrest or prosecution individuals who share entheogens with others, without financial or other consideration, for their mutual use in religious, spiritual, healing, or personal growth practices…

Original Article (Seattle Legistar):
LEG entheogen enforcement and decriminalization RES
Artwork Fair Use: Jeffery Hayes


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing