
Psychedelic drugs like magic mushrooms and LSD have key differences — here’s what you should know

“Exactly how psychedelics impact the brain is still somewhat of a mystery to scientists, but we’re finding out more and more in recent years. What we do know, however, is that psychedelics have a fundamentally different effect on the brain than addictive drugs like alcohol and cocaine do. This is one of the reasons that many scientists believe it’s unreasonable to label psychedelics as “recreational” drugs — in the patients I’ve interviewed who’ve participated in clinical trials on psilocybin, the psychedelic trip itself sounds anything but recreational.”

In most cases, in fact, users describe feeling panicky, anxious, and afraid during the trip. It’s what the drug appears to do to them after the trip itself that gives researchers hope. In many cases, patients describe lasting behavioral changes including improved relationships and increased optimism about life, for example. Psilocybin isn’t the only psychedelic drug that researchers are studying for its potentially therapeutic effects, however. They’re also looking at LSD (“acid”), DMT (ayahuasca), and more. Each drug has a different trip length and varies in terms of its legality across the globe.

Original Article (Business Insider):
Psychedelic drugs like magic mushrooms and LSD have key differences — here’s what you should know
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