
Love & other drugs: the couples using psychedelics as a way to get closer

…psychedelics continue to face several legal hurdles. This has in turn prompted a DIY culture of couples tripping together to take their relationship to the next level.

The rise and rise of psychedelic wellness has also led to couples experimenting with the substances together, either to forge stronger bonds, deal with deep-seated issues in a controlled setting or simply share the euphoric experience together. In fact, though psychedelics are not legal in most countries, relationship counsellors are increasingly advocating their use in counselling sessions, where a couple is administered a mild dosage in a controlled environment, asked leading questions about their hopes and fantasies while they’re tripping, and given calculated counselling based on their experiences.

Original Article (Vice):
Love & other drugs: the couples using psychedelics as a way to get closer
Artwork Fair Use: National Gallery of Art


Is everyone high?


…policy… lead…


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Home grow…


…for macrodosing