
The converging interest between…

The current context into which psychedelics emerge finds its backdrop in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a defining era in American history. This period was marked by President Nixon’s War on Drugs and a significant economic shift as the U.S. officially departed from the gold standard in 1971.

…links these two historical decisions, “Classifying psychedelics as a Schedule I drug in 1970 severed the connection between people and their intuition. When the US officially came off the gold standard in 1971, it severed the link between money and energy. It is my belief that these things cannot be kept separate. Nixon’s stance on drugs resulted in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which categorized psychedelics as a Schedule I drug, which meant psychedelics were classified as highly addictive with no medical use. Following that classification, research into the productive applications of these substances has nearly halted. However, recent studies that have resumed are showing positive results. During the same time period, the U.S. dollar experienced significant debasement after moving away from being a gold-backed currency. The shift away from the gold standard in 1971 resulted in a huge increase in the U.S. government’s sovereign debt, from $398 billion at that time to exceeding $34 trillion today. The U.S. defence budget during this period was over $21 trillion, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the current debt. This shift, which occurred in 1971, has had lasting effects, shaping the societal and economic challenges… individuals… exploring psychedelic… may be paving the way towards a more holistic understanding of the social challenges we are facing.

Original Article (Forbes):
The converging interest between psychedelic therapy and bitcoin
Artwork Fair Use: Oronbb


Is everyone high?


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