
How to change your ability to change

…”a single capsule of psilocybin in Oregon is going to cost $750,” was heard by Jon Dennis, Esq.

Rather than a simple serotonin deficiency, depression can also be seen as a disorder of rigidity… this sometimes begins with chronic stress… restoring neuroplasticity could reopen the highway to health… as with many theories, this one is attractive because it explains an initially mysterious observation… psychedelics… seem to be astonishingly effective at treating depression… Depression treatment, therefore, means replacing the missing neurotransmitters with specialized drugs that increase the brain’s serotonin levels. That works persistently well – for about 12% of patients… although it is difficult to directly relate mental states with biological events, scientists see a potential connection between cognitive rigidity and a kind of biological rigidity, specifically reductions in neuroplasticity… depressed brains suffer from a pronounced lack of neuroplasticity, particularly in regions relevant for mood regulation and self image. Neurons atrophy and send out fewer dendritic spines to connect with their neighbors, and the brain produces fewer growth factors that stimulate neuroplasticity.

Original Article (Psychedelic Science):
How to change your ability to change
Artwork Fair Use: James-alex matthews


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