
Treatment centers that rely on arrests to get clients seek to profit from pain

We should all be suspicious of any industry whose business model is predicated on getting clients solely by threats of jail or other punishment. Drug users are not dollar signs, and must not be viewed as such by those who claim they want to help. In 2017, nearly one third of all drug treatment admissions in the United States involved a referral or mandate from the criminal justice system.

In fact, far too many drug treatment programs in Baltimore appear to have built a very lucrative business model on the backs of people who use drugs and have been unjustly criminalized… treatment providers should use this opportunity to revisit their approach to treatment. They should ask themselves why, in the midst of a historic overdose crisis where deaths continue to rise and many struggle to access health resources, is no one voluntarily seeking their services? There are some possible explanations.

Original Article (Baltimore Sun):
Treatment centers that rely on arrests to get clients seek to profit from pain
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