
Drug euphoria [can be a] good thing, actually

 Like addiction medicine as a whole… only acknowledged euphoria as a risk factor for addiction, as if something with a notably positive connotation could have only a negative outcome… actually say that this is not for an abstinence-based goal of ‘getting people off drugs.’ This is about giving regulated supply for them to use in the way they think is best,” [said Gillian].

“Addiction medicine is very uncomfortable with the ways that people like to use drugs because they don’t like people getting high,” Gillian Kolla, a Toronto-based harm reduction and public health researcher… Any gesture toward ending the crisis that doesn’t acknowledge euphoria as a valid human need falls somewhere between incrementalism and performance art. So successfully has our puritanical approach to drugs demonized their use that we have a health care system in which it’s considered an unacceptable side effect for patients to feel good. A desirable outcome specifically ensures patients do not feel good.

Original Article (Filtermag):
Drug euphoria is a good thing, actually
Artwork Fair Use: Dietmar Rabich


Is everyone high?


…policy… lead…


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Home grow…


…for macrodosing