
…therapists to be given psilocybin to better understand…

A therapist’s own, personal experience with psychedelic substances appears to play an important role in facilitating therapeutic benefits for patients… “Crucially, the psychedelic experience is impossible to describe, and the ability to support people in these very profound states of altered consciousness may depend in part on the therapist’s own experience in that environment.”

By way of explanation, he offers a metaphor: if you’re about to be rocketed to a new planet with an alien landscape that is completely different to anything you’ve ever encountered before, and it’s likely to be challenging, you’ll probably want “the safety and confidence of someone who’s been there before,” he says. “Or at least someone who’s been somewhere similar.” Getting approval for this particular arm of the study, he adds, is a major breakthrough.

Original Article (Vice):
Australian therapists to be given psilocybin to better understand their patients
Artwork Fair Use: Monique Wingard


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing