They are listening
In late 2015, Sen. Sara Gelser, D-Corvallis, and Oregon Health Authority Director Lynne Saxton traveled the state to hear from adolescents, adults and families who have had difficulties accessing mental health and substance use disorder treatment in Oregon.
They heard from approximately 550 consumers and family members over the course of seven town hall meetings across the state. The “Oregon Health Authority 2015 Behavioral Health Town Hall Report” summarizes the main themes that arose during the town hall meetings. All interested persons are invited to download this report, which will be the focus of a webinar (see information below). Town Hall Report Webinar is being provided by OHA during the May 12th Addiction and Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council (AMHPAC) meeting. The webinar is open for all other Advisory groups, interested stakeholders to join. AMHPAC is a public meeting.
*Town Hall Report Webinar: May 12, 2016 at 9:00 AM PDT.
Original Article ( Addictions and Mental Health Services):
They are listening
Artwork Fair Use: Reproduced under 1976 Fair Use Copyright Act: image by SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) 2013-2014)