
Psychedelic patents and pharma… drug reform advocacy

…drug prohibition is clearly one of the larger drivers of systemic inequality in the psychedelic industry, including many of the perceived problems of medicalisation.

When a hospital or clinic is the only place people can access relatively harmless and common drugs, the problem is not just the hospital, the practitioners, or the manufacturer of the drugs they provide. Drug regulations are a complex issue, but outdated drug laws and drug stigma are surely responsible for the greatest drug harms.

Original Article (AOD Media Watch):
Compass pathways, psychedelic patents and pharma: drug reform advocacy as reciprocity
Artwork Fair Use: Soujanya Poria, Navonil Majumder, Rada Mihalcea, and Eduard Hovy



…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing