
Can psychedelic[s]… treat physical pain?

…he was pleasantly surprised to find that his physical pain seemed to decrease as well, even on the days he was not taking anything.

…feeling anxious and depressed, Kevin (a pseudonym) decided to try… psychedelics, including psilocybin-containing “magic mushrooms.” Twice a week… takes about half a gram of the outlawed fungi. This amounts to too little psilocybin to induce a full-blown trip, and Kevin says he quickly noticed an improvement in his mental health… “A lot of the anxiety and depression I was dealing with started to fade away – and then the pain in my legs started to go away…” Kevin says.

Original Article (Scientific American):
Can psychedelic drugs treat physical pain?
Artwork Fair Use: zaca


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing