
What do we tell our kids about drugs?

In truth, what is really needed are… drug education programmes focused primarily on parents and young adults, teaching them the facts about the most prevalent drugs used in our society, and the real risk factors posed by different substances.

As parents, we need to respect our children’s intelligence and trust them to make sensible decisions when armed with the right knowledge and information – to reduce the potential harm to themselves or other peers in their social experiences. By the age of ten, many children will know what drugs are, where to get them, what they look like and most of all which ones are legal and illegal! Unfortunately, having to explain this legal difference to our kids detracts from the important educational message that we should be giving them.

Original Article (Talking Drugs):
What do we tell our kids about drugs?
Artwork Fair Use: Erik Badger


…policy… lead…


MDMA… marriage…




Home grow…


…for macrodosing