
…after committee action… bill to legalize possession of psychedelics heads to senate floor

For psilocybin specifically, the legislation would repeal provisions in California statute that prohibit the cultivation or transportation of “any spores or mycelium capable of producing mushrooms or other material” that contain the psychoactive ingredient… …this means the psychedelics reform measure will be taken up by the full chamber by June 4, 2021. If it passes…


…push for federal legalization of marijuana to ensure ‘individual liberty’

…lawmakers introduced legislation [in May 2021] that would federally legalize and regulate marijuana, saying the proposal was necessary to ensure “individual liberty” and protect states’ rights. The bill would remove cannabis from the Federal Controlled Substances list; instruct the government to create a regulatory framework for marijuana similar to the alcohol industry; allow the Department…


FDA… approves study allowing therapists to legally use MDMA

The United States Food and Drug Administration, in a landmark decision, just approved… …a new clinical study that allows therapists who want to conduct MDMA-assisted therapy sessions to legally consume the drug themselves.  Original Article (Microdose Buzz):FDA historically approves study allowing therapists to legally use MDMAArtwork Fair Use: Public Domain


Will more cities… decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms?

Similar movements have cropped up in other states, including Oregon, Vermont, Texas, and Hawaii… those who use mushrooms now typically acquire them in much the same way cannabis users bought weed before it was legalized… charge about $25 per eighth of an ounce, but Williams discourages that route. Instead, he [is] urging a “grow, gather,…


[One of many a] movement to decolonize psychedelic pharma

“Dominant-culture white society, as a bottom line, should always give preference to listening to Indigenous representative people… with ceremonial technology, we should just listen,” says Miriam Volat. …recommends the Nagoya Protocol as the reciprocity standard for all psychedelic pharma companies… as the Nagoya Protocol specifies that the company attach a “cultural heritage” to the compound…


The roots of witchcraft

They were, in fact, curanderas, ‘wise women’ deeply versed in the herbal lore their ancestors had learnt from ancient Iberian-British aboriginals, a.k.a. the elves. The Origins of the British shows evidence that there was no genocide of ancient Britons by either Celtic or Anglo-Saxon incomers… Genetic sampling shows that 75-95 per cent of the pre-1950…