Will more cities… decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms?
Similar movements have cropped up in other states, including Oregon, Vermont, Texas, and Hawaii… those who use mushrooms now typically acquire them in much the same way cannabis users bought weed before it was legalized… charge about $25 per eighth of an ounce, but Williams discourages that route. Instead, he [is] urging a “grow, gather, gift” model…
“With the success of the cannabis movement, people have noticed nothing bad has happened since lightening up the prohibition,” says Myc Williams, director of communication for Decriminalize Nature Michigan. “The same is going to happen with naturally occurring entheogens like mushrooms.”… “What public safety function are we serving by prosecuting cases involving psychedelic mushrooms?” Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit asks. “I frankly couldn’t come up with one.”
Original Article (Hour Detroit):
Will more michigan cities decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms?
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