Armed cannabis farm inspections… Humbolt… resurface trauma…
A second-generation cannabis farmer who grew his first plant at age 14, Erickson reflected back on the days of prohibition.
“There’s a very real trauma, a very real PTSD from having helicopters hover you, to having your doors kicked in,” he said. “I’ve had guns pointed at my face by law enforcement before, when they come in, they overturn your house. I don’t want my kids to go through that.” …Casali… acknowledged that not all cannabis farms are model stewards of the environment and that compliance checks are the norm, but that the agencies’ armed approach is not appropriate and erodes trust that he has worked to build with them.
Original Article (Cannabis Business Times):
Armed cannabis farm inspections in southern humboldt county resurface trauma for legacy frowers
Artwork Fair Use: Felix Brönnimann
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