You’re not tripping: LSD is making a comeback
Even if they get the right substance, White says, students might not use it safely because of a lack of education. So instead, he advocates working with law enforcement, school administrators and medical professionals to teach students about the real risks and safest methods, a process called “harm reduction.”
They’ve faced some opposition from college administrators … like when they rented out drug-testing kits to students so they could tell what they were using or when they provided trained “trip sitters” who would watch out for them while they were under the influence. A spokesman for [the University], confirmed that the University doesn’t condone the use of illegal drugs, which are “harmful to (students’) health and not permitted on campus.” But [he] says … [they have] a good relationship with the administration overall because its main goal is education, not promotion.
Original Article (USA Today College):
You’re not tripping: LSD is making a comeback
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