Modern Culture

City… urges [State] to decriminalize [grow, gather, gift] psychedelics and allow healing ceremonies

The Oakland City Council on Tuesday [12/15/2020] unanimously approved a resolution… the measure as introduced had included the phrase “decriminalize or legalize,” but [City Council Member] Gallo moved to remove the legalize part just prior to the vote.

The vote is a product of activist-led efforts by the group Decriminalize Nature (DN), which has been pushing local legislators to expand upon the city’s current decriminalization policy that was enacted last year. Under the local resolution, sponsored by Councilman Noel Gallo… the city will urge the state legislature to “decriminalize the possession and use of entheogenic plants and fungi” and “allow local jurisdictions to authorize its citizens to engage in community-based healing ceremonies involving the use of entheogenic plants and fungi without risk of arrest and state prosecution.”

Original Article (Marijuana Moment):
City of Oakland urges California to decriminalize psychedelics and allow healing ceremonies
Artwork Fair Use: Lestatdelc

Modern Culture

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Modern Culture