Oregon pioneered… drug policy…
“We knew that we didn’t want to go backwards on what was happening with regard to the war on drugs, we can’t go back to that…” Oregon Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber said.
…the hearing by the Joint Committee On Addiction and Community Safety Response focused on Republican-backed Senate Bill 1555 [creates the crime of using a controlled substance in public] and… House Bill 4036 [recriminalizing drug possession, restoring misdemeanor penalties, ie, unlawful possession of a controlled substance in Schedule I is a Class A misdemeanor… 1 year of potential jail time and up to $6250 fine if the person possesses… spearheaded by the committee’s Democratic co-chairs, Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber and Rep. Jason Kropf. House Bill 4002 [which requires the OHA to study the problems in this state caused by drug use and to send a report on its findings to the legislature… by early March [2024], lawmakers could decide exactly what that future will be… Lieber – who co-chaired the legislature’s addiction committee – told OPB [Oregon Public Broadcasting] that she’s not advocating for Measure 110 to be repealed. But she and other… lawmakers have said they support recriminalizing drug possession so long as there are ways for the criminal justice system to direct people into the treatment programs Measure 110 has helped to expand…
Original Article (Oregon Public Broadcasting & Oregon Live & State of Oregon):
Oregon pioneered a radical drug policy. Now it’s reconsidering & Plan to roll back Oregon’s Measure 110 draws standing-room-only crowd & SB 1555 & HB 4036 & HB 4002 & State of Oregon
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