…why moms are talking about marijuana more than dads
Over half (54%) of cannabis-using moms recently surveyed… agree with providing children – those who are under 17, at least – cannabis for pain relief and other medical treatments so long as they’re being monitored.
“It’s interesting to note that dads are the least likely to support the usage of either cannabis or hemp CBD to children,” [Laura] Albers said. “This could be due to moms likelihood of being the primary medical and wellness caretaker in families and indicating increased willingness to try more natural healing modalities than fathers.” The same trend holds true for those who favor educating students about the risks and benefits of cannabis and hemp. While 82% of moms are in favor, 73% of dads and 76% of non-parents are not.
Original Article (Benzinga):
Parents and pot: why moms are talking about marijuana more than dads
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