
Oregon… people of…

…[on giving] authority to collect and compile specified data and provide data to Oregon Health and Science University.

…[bill introduced by Oregon Rep. Elizabeth Steiner states]… [claims no conflict of interest]… Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon… directs Oregon Health Authority to… adopt rules to require a psilocybin service center operator that holds a [psilocybin cubensis related] license… to collect and report data regarding psilocybin services provided at the psilocybin service center. The race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written languages, disability status, sexual orientation and gender identity of a client served at the psilocybin service center; and… the income, age, sex, education level, county of residence, veteran status, health status and English proficiency of a client served at the psilocybin service center…

Original Article (Oregon Legislature):
Oregon SB 303
Artwork Fair Use: Anathea Utley




…launch of…