
New Zealand passes legislation banning cigarettes for future generations… forever

The law is designed to permanently stamp out tobacco usage in the country by aging out current smokers… it will mean the number of people able to buy tobacco will shrink each year. By 2050, for example, 40-year-olds will be too young to buy cigarettes… forbids tobacco from ever being sold to anybody born on or after Jan. 1, 2009, that is, current 13-year-olds.

This new legislation, which makes New Zealand only the second country in the world to ban tobacco sales, opens a troubling new front in the drug war – one where the prohibition of certain substances is said to safeguard future generations without much consideration given to examples of how prohibition has created negative externalities that outweigh the benefits of deterrence… Health Minister Ayesha Verrall: “There is no good reason to allow a product to be sold that kills half the people that use it. And I can tell you that we will end this in the future as we pass this legislation.”

Original Article (Reason & PRI & Democracy Now & BBC):
New Zealand bans cigarette sales to anyone born after 2008. Forever. & New Zealand lifetime ban on cigarette sales & New Zealand passes cigarette ban for younger generations in hopes of achieving “smoke-free” future & New Zealand passes legislation banning cigarettes for future generations
Artwork Fair Use: Jochen Burghardt




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