United States patent and trademark office… synthetic psilocybin…
Christian Angermayer (billionaire) owns an extensive art collection that includes ancient artifacts highlighting the role that psychedelics have played in human history… that is, the inventors’ definition controls, “even if it is contrary to the conventional meaning of the term” according to Christopher G. Paulraj, Tina E. Hulse, & Sheridan K. Snedden… the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board reaffirmed decisions to uphold its [synthetic psilocybin] ‘257 Patent and ‘259 Patent, key patents covering COMP360 crystalline psilocybin polymorph A, the polymorph being used in the company’s phase 3 clinical trials.
In our Decision, we construed the term “crystalline psilocybin in the form Polymorph A” to mean “a crystal form of psilocybin having the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) peaks listed in claim 1…” so, we declined to limit the phrase to a single polymorphic phase of psilocybin… the ’257 patent expressly defines “crystalline psilocybin in the form Polymorph A” as “characterized by” the recited peaks in the XRPD diffractogram not only in the claims, but also in the Specification and the prosecution history… thus, regardless of the alleged conventional definition of a “polymorph” or “form,”… the inventors are entitled to act as their own lexicographers to define the phrase “crystalline psilocybin in the form Polymorph A” according to the recited peaks in the XRPD diffractogram.
Original Article (Green Market Report & United States Patent Office & Forbes):
Compass pathways gets good news on psilocybin patent journey & Rehearing: Decision on Request for Rehearing & Forbes Bio
Artwork Fair Use: Public domain
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