U.S. states to unveil $26 billion opioid settlement with drug distributors…
Closing arguments are expected in the West Virginia trial next week [7/26/21 – 7/30/21]. Local West Virginia communities had opted out of the proposed nationwide deal to pursue one on their own.
States will have 30 days to decide whether to join the global accord then more time to try to convince their cities and counties to participate in the deal… The ultimate settlement pricetag could fluctuate depending on the number of states and political subdivisions that agree to the deal or reject it and pursue litigation on their own in hopes of a bigger payout down the line… [pharma companies] once again denied any wrongdoing in its manufacture and marketing of opioids, describing its actions as “appropriate and responsible.”
Original Article (Reuters & NPR):
U.S. states to unveil $26 billion opioid settlement with drug distributors, J&J – sources & State attorneys general reach a $26 billion national opioid settlement
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