80 [years old], arrested for growing… plants for… oil that’s ‘saving [my] life’
‘Is it better to be illegally alive or legally dead?’
“I know I am breaking the law but the law as it stands is an ass. I don’t deal drugs. I have been very open about it and when police officers came to my house and asked me if I grew… I admitted it and led them straight to it. I don’t even fiddle the electrics like drug dealers do. It was all above board.” I’ve grown my own medicine to save my life. Alcohol and tobacco which are perfectly legal drugs are far more harmful to people’s health. But they are both taxed by government. There is such hypocrisy about it. That’s why I don’t have much qualms about breaking the law. For me this is the most moral and ethical route to take.”
Original Article (Cornwall Live):
Man, 80, arrested for growing cannabis plants for CBD oil that’s ‘saving his life’
Artwork Fair Use: I, Luca Galuzzi
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