“What we’re saying is essentially, be careful”: Doctors not sold on Kratom
Dr. Patrick Luedtke, Lane County’s Chief Medical Officer
Lane County Health Officials are back-tracking just a bit from last week’s health warnings on a very popular herbal supplement called Kratom. Officials say they got a lot of blow-back, most of it critical of the County’s stance … [Lane County residents] say the supplement helps for pain relief, higher energy, and or others, it’s a tool to get off of opiods.
Dr. Luedtke adds that County Health has no ability to approve or disapprove any substance like Kratom, but that big concerns remain … “We want to make sure that going forward, we can insure the purity of Kratom, and that may occur through studies and trials,” said Luedtke … doctors say trying to predict when FDA testing may occur is pretty much impossible.
Original Article (KVAL):
“What we’re saying is essentially, be careful”: Doctors not sold on Kratom
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