Oligarch of the month: the Sacklers
Joss Sackler, the entrepreneurial force behind a $2,500 per year social club and an allied clothing line, charged The New York Times to stop covering “the men in my life” and “review the fucking neon hoodies.”
…are queasy about associating with the country’s most notorious limited liability cartel. The Guggenheim, for example, has stopped accepting donations from the Sackler clan, while the hedge fund Hildene expelled Sackler money. Even JPMorgan Chase, which enjoyed an impressive run of wheeling and dealing with Bernie Madoff, has spurned their patronage. Purdue had hired the PR firm that British Petroleum used in the disastrous wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. British Petroleum forked over $10,000 a day to flood Google with favorable search results and rebranded itself as BP.
Original Article (NPR):
Oligarch of the month: the Sacklers
Artwork Fair Use: Patryk Sobczak
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