Psychedelics are a promising…
Two states, Oregon and Colorado, have now legalized psilocybin for [adult-use, with Colorado legalizing home-cultivation, as well]… as these drugs gain mainstream acceptance, more and more people will likely consider taking them, both therapeutically and recreationally.
What little data does exist suggests that the chances of psychosis developing in the general population is low. One survey of over 1,000 self-reporting recreational psychedelic users did not find a link between drug use and schizophrenia-like symptoms. Another study similarly showed no connection between past psychedelic use and current psychosis or other psychiatric disorders.
Original Article (PLOS & World Psychiatry & Nature & New York Times):
Psychedelics and Mental Health: A Population StudyS & Schizotypy, schizotypic psychopathology and schizophrenia & Psychedelic drug use and schizotypy in young adults & Psychedelics are a promising therapy, but they can be dangerous for some
Artwork Fair Use: Anton Nosik
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