Former FDA chief wants federal government to regulate state marijuana markets
Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb [Pfizer Board Member] said… that the federal government should regulate state marijuana programs.
He provided some clarification—hinting that federal drug scheduling laws should be reformed for cannabis — he is beginning to lay out specific details of a regulatory agenda. Gottlieb said during the TV interview that enforcing prohibition is no longer “politically practicable” and that Congress should pass “a federal law that actually can be enforced and allow federal regulatory authorities to impose appropriate supervision.” Asked whether states are capable of providing the types of regulations he’s calling for, Gottlieb said no… Under the regulatory model Gottlieb is envisioning, FDA and other agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) “could regulate what’s being sold for the potency, for the manufacturing, for the ingredients, for the claims that are being made.”
Original Article (Marijuana Moment):
Former FDA chief wants federal government to regulate state marijuana markets
Artwork Fair Use: Shane T. McCoy
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