
…how is psilocybin decriminalization going…

“So not only at her household, but even here in Oakland, California, my mom and grandmother had plants in the backyard that we grew, called them yerba buena, that’s “good plants… I walked into a [cannabis] dispensary the other day, and they already had the products.” -Noel Gallo (City Council Member, Oakland)

*image : world-wide prevalence of naturally-occurring psilocybin-containing mushrooms across the world, and in Oregon.

As a city council member, Gallo championed the idea of decriminalizing native plants such as hallucinogenic mushrooms and cacti. When he was a kid, he remembers them being used for everything from treating the flu to reducing anxiety. He said he even has a nephew, injured in Iraq, who used them to dig himself out of a depression. Gallo said those experiences convinced him that decriminalizing entheogenic plants, is a good idea. And he thinks there are all kinds of parallels with cannabis… “We have other greater crime issues in the City of Oakland than to be focusing on entheogenic plants,” he said. Halfway across the country in Denver, psilocybin-containing mushrooms [have]… been decriminalized for about a month. (Decriminalizing isn’t the same as legalizing; it’s essentially telling the police to make offenses related to a certain drug their lowest possible priority.) A spokesman with the Denver Police Department declined to be interviewed on tape but said they’ve made no psilocybin-related arrests in the last month (June). Before the vote, the department arrested about 50 people a year on psilocybin offenses. In Oregon, the “Psilocybin Service Initiative”… assuming it makes the ballot [needs to] convince people of the need for change than to stick with the status quo.

Original Article (Oregon Public Broadcasting):
As Oregon Looks To Legalize, How Is Psilocybin Decriminalization Going Elsewhere?
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