
Challenges to a company’s psilocybin patent…

In addition to highlighting ideological differences between licensing a product and providing it at cost or free of charge, the Compass patent has raised questions about efforts by companies to own forms of psychoactive substances, and the role IP claims play in promising returns to investors.

Matthew Baggott, the former Director of Data Science and Engineering at Genentech and a  researcher of psychedelic substances… says that given the size of the market for psychedelic therapies, the Compass IP effort is being replicated by other for-profit companies entering the psychedelic industry. “There is a land rush going on with companies trying to be the first to claim they invented different psychedelic products and procedures,” says Baggott … In a pitch document to potential investors, Compass emphasizes its IP claims for its COMP360 therapy protocol and its plan to gain exclusive rights and market protection from providers of generic forms of synthetic psilocybin. 

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Challenges to a company’s psilocybin patent highlight contrasting business strategies for developers of psychedelic therapies
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