Denver psilocybin support center…
After Darren took out an ad in Westword, his business at a studio in the 800 block of W. Eighth Avenue gained popularity. “Since I started making both cannabis and psilocybin edibles for my dad, I’ve seen his healing process,” said Darren Lyman [who] offers support sessions, and then provides the mushrooms for free.
Shannon Donnelly, a professor at Metropolitan State University Denver, is a consultant who helped cannabis businesses navigate decriminalization and eventually regulation. “One thing that I think is interesting to note is that grow, gather, and gift of psychedelic medicine is legal, meaning you can cultivate your own personal supply of mushrooms or of psychedelic material,” said Donnelly. “You can gather, and actually be with people and pay people to sit with you while you take this medicine. And then you can gift that to individuals.”
Original Article (Denver7 ABC):
Denver psilocybin support center gains attention with business model
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