Oregon psilocybin… data rules
To investigate, Psychedelic Week reviewed footage of Oregon House and Senate discussions regarding the bill… a short video titled The Most Important Thing About Senate Bill 303… unable to find cases where Steiner or the Fund, which lobbied for the bill’s passage, mentioned a partial opt out.
…one of the most frequently discussed topics was the nature of SB 303’s data opt-out provision. OHA’s proposed rules, which will implement the bill, allow clients to opt out of having any data collected under SB 303 from being aggregated or reported to OHA, which would otherwise collect and share that data with Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). However… according to Heidi Pendergast, the rules should allow clients to opt out of sharing some types of aggregated data with OHA but not others… Erin Williams, an attorney representing Oregon’s DOJ, said her office had reviewed the issue… SB 303 allows clients to opt out of sharing all data collected under the bill. OHA’s current proposed rules reflect this interpretation. Nevertheless, Pendergast’s minority view resurfaced… The Healing Advocacy Fund circulated an email promoting it. “Contact the OHA to let them know that reporting client service averages and adverse events for all clients is critical to understanding and increasing program safety,” said the Fund (emphasis its own)… Pendergast and the Fund’s Sam Chapman reiterated this position. Chapman said a partial opt out had always been the intent of SB 303.
Original Article (Psychedelic Week):
Oregon psilocybin agency seeks comments on psychedelic data rules
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