Congress gives thumbs-up to VA doctors approving medical pot – but vets will still smoke at White House
“Marijuana reform advocates celebrated Thursday as Congress approved a spending bill amendment aiming to allow Veterans Health Administration doctors to authorize medical pot use for patients…”
Wyatt says the government should pay for veterans’ medical marijuana and better track veteran suicides, and he points out that veterans living in the 26 states that do not allow medical marijuana won’t benefit from the spending bill amendment. In the nation’s capital, local activists have been trying to turn up the heat on… [The President]… to reschedule or deschedule marijuana… That reform can be made without Congress and advocates believe it would fling open the doors to research and rapidly allow the development of new medicines derived from the plant. [The President] has resisted using his adminstrative authority to do so…
Original Article (US News and World Report):
Congress gives thumbs-up to VA doctors approving medical pot – but vets will still smoke at white house
Artwork Fair Use: VA Eugene Medical Clinic by NBC16