
My humble confession – by Trinity de Guzman on the Ayahuasca Church in America

Now, in all honesty, I have to admit… When I started the Ayahuasca Healings Church in America, back in late 2015…I now recognize how I rushed into it… I saw that the UDV and the Santo Daime Ayahuasca Churches in the United States had set a precedent… to use Ayahuasca in a religious context. And how it was legally being done. Now, with this in mind – I figured, if they are doing it, so can I!

So I sought out advisors, and I found somebody who appeared to have the authority and legal understanding, to guide me in my quest…We had setup an Ayahuasca Healings Church under the guidance of our “Mother Church” ONAC, and started sharing our healing ministries with Ayahuasca, at our land in Elbe, Washington, in January 2016. Here is an important detail that needs to be addressed. During this time, people donated to our church, in expectation to visit our land and experience Ayahuasca. Even though it was all legitimately a donation on paper, the fact is, people expected to experience Ayahuasca at our Church. So when we suddenly paused the sharing of our church ministries in Elbe, Washington, as requested by the DEA, there was an onslaught of angry, disappointed people, who felt “ripped off”. All of the money we received, was invested into setting up our Church.

Original Article (Ayahuasca Healings):
My humble confession – by Trinity de Guzman on the Ayahuasca Church in America
Artwork Fair Use: Public Domain


Colorado SB23-290


…practical guide…




First, it was weed…