
Maine’s biggest city advances proposal to decriminalize psychedelic plants and fungi

The Portland, Maine’s, Health and Human Services and Public Safety Committee… passed the resolution on a 3–0 vote… amended the bill to cover home cultivation of natural entheogens for personal use and sharing without compensation. Criminal enforcement would not change for selling, dispensing, possessing on school grounds or driving under the influence of the substances.

Plants and fungi… those containing psilocybin, psilocyn, ibogaine… and dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The resolution would maintain “that City of Portland departments, agencies, boards, commissions, officers or employees of the city should avoid using city funds or resources to assist in the investigation, criminal prosecution or the imposition of criminal penalties” for the covered activity… the city would deprioritize enforcement. The measure says that “the use and possession of all controlled substances should be understood primarily as an issue of public health.” Enforcing state law against the personal use, possession, cultivation and sharing without compensation of substances, it continues, “shall be among the lowest law enforcement priority of the City of Portland.”

Original Article (Marijuana Moment):
Maine’s biggest city advances proposal to decriminalize psychedelic plants and fungi
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