Let the buyer beware: Advertised “Ayahuasca Healing Retreats” are not legal in the United States
It appears their mistaken beliefs with regard to the laws of the United States are based upon a misunderstanding of an exemption for the religious use of peyote (another controlled substance) by a legitimate religious organization called the Native American Church, established in 1918.
Organization’s misunderstandings seem to be rooted in the belief that because they have declared themselves to be a “Native American Church” and their use of ayahuasca is “rooted in personal healing and spiritual intentions”” they are exempt from prosecution. They would not be the first people to be incarcerated believing this fallacy to be true.
Original Article (Bia Labate):
Let the buyer beware: Advertised “Ayahuasca Healing Retreats” are not legal in the United States
Artwork Fair Use: By juggadery
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