
Maybe white people shouldn’t take drugs from Indigenous cultures

*ECfES recognizes the direct human/plant relationship HERE.

Of course, not all non-native people who take ayahuasca [or other potent plants]… [ingest it]… purely for recreational purposes; some want to pay homage to indigenous wisdom, [and also for other legitimate reasons] … [but generally speaking] white people’s drug usage in general [has been historically] filled with hypocrisies… Just look to the current irony of marijuana in the U.S.: while white men dominate the burgeoning legal industry, making millions in profits, black and brown [and low-income] people are still disproportionately punished for possessing and selling it. 

“As ayahuasca has become more and more popular with foreign tourists….we have found that pseudo shamans have sprung up everywhere to cater for the demand,” [said] Valerie Meikle, “This means that the ayahuasca rituals have obviously lost some of their original power and very often the ceremony is adapted to suit foreigners who are ready to pay high prices on low-quality rituals.” The overall impact cheapens the very practice these tourists seek … “Cultural appropriation is a huge problem when it comes to Indigenous cultures, and especially spirituality,” she added. “A huge part of this spiritual tourism is that the practice is taken out of context, exploited and commercialized.”

Original Article (Alternet):
Maybe White People Shouldn’t Take Drugs From Indigenous Cultures
Artwork Fair Use: ECfES


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